Michael Ioannidis, M.Ed., c.o. Career planning is rarely a linear path and it often develops and broadens as we learn more about our options and gain a better understanding of ourselves, our interests, our aptitudes, and our values. The key, however, is to always work to your full potential and to put your whole heart into everything you do. While I never planned on becoming a guidance counsellor (I had always dreamed of a career in architecture), I feel privileged to have the opportunity to work closely with our students and to help them design their futures. Mine is a most rewarding and enriching position and I am extremely proud to work at LSA! |
Leslie Shuster, M.A., c.o. I love my work. Being a Guidance Counsellor is a perfect reflection of my interests, personality and skills. I am immensely gratified by helping others discover their destiny. We all are motivated by different things and exhibit unique talents. That is what makes life interesting to me. In my spare time, I enjoy being active. Cycling, yoga and power walking are my favorite activities. |
Fani Triantos, M.A., M.Ed., c.o. I enjoy interacting and building relationships with high school students and throughout this process relationships are built that sometimes last well after high school. The students invite me in their world, their plans for the future and some of the goals they would like to accomplish. I feel privileged and honored that I have this opportunity, and I often think that I did not chose this career, but it chose me. I am grateful that can take this journey along side the students at LSA |